Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10 Year Celebration funds approval

On the left there is a poll asking for community approval to use surplus MPTO funds for the 10 year celebration.  If you have any questions please post a comment at the bottom of this post by clicking on the word comment. 


Anonymous said...

What constitutes a surplus of funds? How much funding is currently available in total? How, specifically, will the funds be used for the celebration? What will be (and/or could be) done with the funds if they are not used for the celebration?

leeann1963 said...

The surplus amount is between 3,000 and 4,000. This money came from fund raisers throughout the years that made more than budgeted. kidsfest, pictures, bookfairs, etc. These funds are left in reserve for events such as the 10 year celebration, which were not budgeted for by the BoT or MPTO. It is used if a line item needs to be more than originally expected, such as beautification day. Any MPTO funds spent outside the approved budget have to be approved by the community.